Saturday, August 2, 2008

Our 28th Wedding Anniversary

WOW!! Who would have dreamed that we would make it to this day? We were both so young and inexperienced in life, but God has brought us to today. We have been through a lot, endured much hardship, but had many more joys then sorrows. God has blessed us with 4 terrific children and one son-in-law. All of our children love and serve God, what more could we ask for. I thank God for Ralph and his never ending love he has had for me over these past 28 years. He is the most wonderful husband in the world, in my opinion!!! God has blessed me more than I deserve and much more than I could ever have imagined. I am looking forward to the next 28 years and beyond with great expectancy, because we NEVER know what God has in store for us.

Our Engagement, May 1980

Our Wedding Day, August 2, 1980Today on our 28th Anniversary!!


Becki said...

Happy belated Anniversary! I pray you are blessed with many more!

Jennifer said...

Wow Lanita! Aren't the two of you adorable in those photos? I am sure it was a very happy anniversary - you are blessed!
