Saturday, April 10, 2010

Who is Influencing Your Daughters?

I found a link to this wonderful blog from Ladies Against Feminism. This is truly a great article. I hope you will go to the Young Women of Virtue blog and read the entire article.

"Hello followers and visitors to my blog! Recently, I have been pondering the influences that young girls and young women have been surrounded by, in the media. A few extremely "popular" females come to mind: Miley Cyrus, Selena Gomez, Demi Lovato, and many other young women that are having devastating effects on the younger female generation. All of these names that I just mentioned are known for their smart remarks to their parents, suggestive clothing, doing whatever they want, hanging out with their worldly "friends", having numerous boyfriends, and of course, being "famous". This goal of being famous is worth examining. One of my favorite passages in the whole bible is found in Proverbs 31, in fact I even use it as the verse for my e-mail signature. Proverbs 31:30 Favour is deceitful, and beauty is vain: but a woman that feareth the LORD, she shall be praised. Today, I looked up the definition of favor in the strong's exhaustive concordance, it translates as follows: grace, charm, elegance, and strangely enough, acceptance. How interesting. So, the bible clearly tells us that seeking after "acceptance" is deceitful. That's worth saying again! Wanting to be accepted or popular is deceitful!"

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