Sunday, November 6, 2011

Biblical Headship-What is it?

 Please go to sermon audio and listen to this extremely important message by Dr. Voddie Baucham on Biblical headship.  The church (for the most part) has left headship behind and taken on the "ways" of the world-egalitarianism. I encourage EVERYONE to listen with an open mind and an open heart to this message and see how God leads you and your family. If you listen to it, please come back and leave a message with your reaction to this very thought provoking message. One that is so needed in our churches today.


The Stetson family said...

Excellent Sermon! If anyone wants to hear more of Voddie he will be speaking at the Christian Heritage Conference this year.

Anonymous said...

I might have to order the cd's. I love everything I have heard from him, so far. You can upload his sermons on the same site that this message was on. I down loaded about 30 of his sermons yesterday. They are great when I can't make it to church, I can just click on it and have a wonderful message.