Saturday, October 10, 2009

The Fire of God

by Nancy Campbell

"I rose early Sunday morning. It was 5.00 am and I put the beans, which had been soaking over night, on the stove to cook. They needed time to cook in order for me to prepare the food for Fellowship Meal after church. After putting on the beans I went downstairs to the office, thinking that I'd go back up to turn the element down in a few moments.

I opened the Word of God and began to meditate. I became so absorbed that I forgot all about the beans--until I smelt something burning! Where could it be coming from? I then remembered the beans on the stove! Help! I rushed upstairs to find the whole house full of smoke! It took a day or more to get rid of the smell of smoke from the house!

And what was I meditating on? Fire! Can you believe it?"

Finish reading this wonderful devotional by Nancy Campbell at Above Rubies.

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