Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Guys, It Matters Whom You Marry, Too

"Just as a woman must think carefully about a potential husband, you must be careful about a potential wife. Careful evaluation in a number of areas will save you a lifetime of frustration. Right now, you might think she’s pretty, or playful, or nice to you. It’s not enough. One pregnancy can alter a figure, responsibilities at home can reveal laziness, and a disagreement about money can turn her against you. The church in North America has many men who are hampered in their abilities and success because they were distracted by a pretty face who now seems to bring more trouble than bliss."

1It will impact your spiritual life
2.  It will impact your service in the church
3.  It will impact your reputation.
4.  It will impact your work life and finances
5.  It will impact your other relationships.
6.  It will impact your health.

To read this entire article go to The Christian Pundit.


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